
Whitegate Primary and Nursery School

Values and Ethos

At Whitegate we are proud to be an inclusive school providing a high quality, creative and challenging education.  Every child experiences a sense of enjoyment and achieves their full potential within a secure, caring and happy environment.


In short, every child that attends Whitegate will...

Enjoy, Achieve, Excel

Our Ethos

The following 4 statements underpin everything that the school does:


  • There is a relentless focus on high standards.
  • There are NO BARRIERS or EXCUSES to great learning or achievement.
  • We recognise, respect and celebrate difference.
  • The street stops at the gate.

The driving force behind all that happens at Whitegate Primary and Nursery School is the shared aim of every child enjoying access to a stimulating and engaging education, developing both academically and socially and leaving us as life long, independent learners, who are prepared to play a positive role in society.


Whitegate Primary and Nursery School has a culture of high aspiration and expectation for each and every child, which enables our children to acquire knowledge, understanding and develop learning throughout the school. We are a school that strives to work in partnership with parents and families. We are open and transparent and we share information. We strive to create a learning community that extends beyond the perimeter of our site. We do everything we can to support families for the benefit of their children.


We aim to fully develop any interests or talents that our children have, through the provision of a broad curriculum which values all subjects, the Arts and Sports. We will aim to provide as many enrichment activities and activity clubs for pupils as we can.


We recognise that bullying can happen in any setting and have a zero tolerance approach to this. We have a clear Positive Relationships and Behaviour Policy that includes Anti-Bullying to which all staff and pupils sign up. Targets of bullying will be listened to and the behaviour of the bully will be addressed.


We maintain a Values Education Policy to underpin the above.

Our Values, which incorporate fundamental British Values are...



