
Whitegate Primary and Nursery School


Whitegate Primary and Nursery School

Our Approach

At Whitegate Primary and Nursery School, we are proud to provide a high quality, creative and challenging curriculum that is inclusive and ambitious for all.


It is our ambition for every child at Whitegate to:


Enjoy, Achieve and Excel


We aim to create a culture of high aspiration and expectation, which is fostered within a secure, caring and happy environment. This will enable all children to achieve their full potential: developing both academically and socially. They will leave Whitegate as lifelong, independent learners, who are invested in their education, feel a sense of belonging as local, national and global citizens and are keen to play a positive role in society.


We aim for our curriculum to be one that engages, enriches, enlightens and empowers. It is our ambition that children will be:


  • Engaged - through an exciting, thematic curriculum, which is fulfilled through access to exciting lessons and state-of-the-art technologies, and is designed for progression to enable children to acquire, deepen and connect their knowledge.


  • Enriched - by the very wide range of activities (trips, visits, specialist visitors, extra-curricular sessions etc.) that bring our topics to life and connect all learners with the wider world.


  • Enlightened – with a deep knowledge and understanding of their world, developed through reinforcing our values, delivering PSHE and encouraging philosophical thinking.


  • Empowered - with knowledge, skills and values to be able to control their life, claim their rights and make a positive contribution to society. This will be achieved through a sense of belonging and connection to the world and with a sense of agency and hope for the future.


To enable this vision and underpin our curriculum aims, we maintain a Values Education Policy. The school values incorporate the fundamental British Values and are promoted and lived out by all stakeholders, in all parts of school life.


Our thematic curriculum is delivered through the drivers of History (developing a sense of time) and Geography (developing a sense of space). By discovering the events of the past and exploring the world around them, we aim for children to continually develop their sense of identity and belonging.


If you are interested in finding out more about the curriculum at Whitegate Primary and Nursery School please contact the school (Tel: 0115 915 2944) and ask to speak to Mr Forshaw (Head of School).


2024 - 2025 Curriculum

The National Curriculum

We have achieved the Rainbow Flag Award!

Any questions about this Award then please contact Mrs Gascoine our Diversity Champion. 
